24 Tasco
DOB: May 27th 2005

Breeder: Hubert Prior, Marsberg, Germany

Owner: Dr. Elke Söchtig, Elmarshausen, Germany

Comes for approval and sale

EH Arogno
Flaneur by Maharadscha
ESt Arcticonius xx by Apollonius xx
Antares by Ith
Eliana by Hermes
Tamy II
EH Manrico
Gipsy King by Camelot
ESt Marcia II by Vincent
Nouveau Roi xx by Windwurf xx
ESt Tarina II by Wie Ibikus

Mare family of T17A1 Tatiana (Gestüt Schmoel/Panker)

The sire

Elitär was approved in Neumünster and is one of the last direct Arogno sons at stud today. Never competed, he is trained at the upper levels in dressage, and carries very interesting outcross genes through his dam. He sired the approved Minetti. His dam sire Antares is a son of the Ibikus-son Ith, while third dam sire Hermes comes from the small, but good Harfe family. Dam Eline also produced the M level dressage horse Esquire (by Ocos xx).

The dam

Dam sire EH Manrico is one of the very few remaining decendands of the important Abglanz-family in the Trakehner breed. While Hanover profited tremendously from this "A" influence and Abglanz' stamp can still be seen to this day, his influence in the Trakehner breed sadly remained small. Manrico is an excellent exception to that rule with a performance record at FEI levels in dressage and a firm, high breeding index in the Trakehner breed, especially for movement quality.Second dam sire Nouveau Roi xx was a TB stallion of outstanding quality, and a full brother to Noble Roi xx, sire of international show jumpers (e.g. Noble Champion, Oldenburg). Also, the good TB Narew xx with offspring in eventing is from close maternal relation. Direct dam line of the stallions EH Tipperary, Tiparillo, EH Tenor, EH Tivani, EH Tuareg, Tambour, Thalys and Travell.

Photos by Peter Richterich
